Game Dev in Progress… Day 8

Cristian Aspacio
2 min readOct 31, 2020


Hello and a good Aloha Friday to you! This day has been a pretty chill day for me. Went through the usual routine of meeting up in the morning and getting started on my agenda today. I planned to get through some of the C# Survival Guide course to sharpen my C# skills for the future course. The first few sections were mostly just refresher course but they were still good practice. I tried to optimize and figure different ways to solve the problems during the course challenges. I learned some nifty C# tricks such as using Math.Round() to round my float values up. However, my plan was disturbed because a change within our schedules.

If you remember from previous posts, we have a deadline of December 31st to complete our internship and become full fledge Game Developer/Software Engineers. The plan however was pushed forward and now we are expected to end at December 14th. So we that, now I have to do the last two sections of the 2D course, which challenges by giving us problems to solve. This will test all the things we learned through the course and use them. I have already started on the first one and finished it today. Hopefully I can finish the rest next week.

That wraps up what I did today. Also ran into a problem with Git but that was quickly resolved. Unity has very large files because all of the different assists you can use for your projects. GitHub has a limit of 100MB files so if you try to push your repo to your remote repo it will complain that the files are to big. You can remedy this by using this link below:

it will tell you how to deal with large files. Another option is to remove those files and put them somewhere else. The con for this is that you have consistently move files around but if you don’t need those files anymore, you can just delete them. I had this problem because I created a Windows Build for testing my project and that file was too big. Anyways hopefully this helps, see ya guys next time!!!


Cristian Aspacio



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