Game Dev in Progress… Day 7

Cristian Aspacio
2 min readOct 30, 2020


Photo by Luke Chesser on Unsplash

Hello and welcome to Game Dev in Progress. Today is a wonderful day because I just complete the first part of my training!!! My internship is broken down into weeks where we have to finish a certain amount of course work before finishing the internship. The last two weeks of the internship is going to be dedicated into collaborating with the other interns to create our very own game. So today I have completed one of my first milestones for the internship. Now that I’m done, I’m going to be working on some of the extra course given to us at the end of the course. Before I have to work on that though, I ran into a bit of a problem working with Git.

Git is a free version control system that is Open Source, meaning anyone can contribute to its development. Its a very popular system that allows us to control the version of our software. This is really important because its allows teams who are working on the same project to be able to track changes within their system. With a version control, you can add your code without having to change another person’s code or wait on them to finish theirs. The problem I had with Git was that I couldn’t pull from my remote repository on GitHub.

However this problem was quickly resolved with the help of my team lead. She showed me a quick refresher course using Git (I haven’t used Git in a year) and we were able to solve my problem. The problem I had that since I am working on a new computer, I didn’t set my email and username. So when I tried pulling, I assume it did not recognize me as the owner of the remote repository. I quickly remedied this by using the git command format below:

$ git config --global "John Doe"
$ git config --global

This should work if your using Git for the first time on that particular PC/Mac. Overall Git is a very useful tool especially when collaborating with a team of people. I hope you guys have a wonderful Thursday and thank you for reading!!!


Cristian Aspacio



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