Game Dev in Progress… Day 47
Hello and happy Christmas Eve. Hopefully you are having a wonderful evening! Today is day 47 and probably the second to last day of working for Game Dev HQ. Unfortunately I wasn’t able to reach my goal of finishing up the 2.5D Game Development Course but I am pretty close. On Monday, I plan to finish if we have the time to do so. The picture above is the animator that is attached to my player. As you can see, there is a lot of animations going on for the player and the day was mostly spend on tweaking these to get them to work in conjunction. I had particular problems mainly on the ladder system and the idle jumping animations.
The ladder system that I built isn’t the best but gets the job done. Essentially what it does is that when the player reaches the ladder, they press the E key to climb it. Then a short climbing animation before teleporting the player on top of the platform they are climbing. I need some more time to create a more robust system where it can work for any ladder types. Right now, the animation doesn’t move along with the player when climbing up and thus will look awful when using it on longer ladders. Here is a short clip of it:
The next feature I was able to do was the roll. That was super easy to do because all it required was to check if the player is grounded and press the left shift to roll. That part wasn’t hard but having to connecting the roll animation with the other animations to allow for smooth transitions took some trial and error to get it right.
The last feature I was able to finish up was the Idle Jump Animation. This animation will play when the player is falling. This took me a really long time because of how I set up the different animations. I had to get back and rewrite my code a couple of times as well as doing a bunch of test runs to figure out how to get it to work. I still have some problems with it not doing the right animation when I’m jumping and falling. I need some more time testing that out. Here is a clip show casing the roll and falling features:
Hopefully I can get some help on Monday with some of the animations. This is the first time I had to deal with a lot of animations and using the animator. It’s really hard to get the animations to run correctly as well as do the logic of moving the player at the same time. Next Monday, which is our last day, will be spent polishing and adding the last two features for this course and I think I’ll be done.
Cristian Aspacio