Game Dev in Progress… Day 45

Cristian Aspacio
2 min readDec 23, 2020


Hello and welcome to Day 45 of my journey into becoming and game developer/software engineer. Today I mostly focused on learning as much as possible because this is potentially my last week in this program so I want to make use of it as much as possible. I continued working on my course work and finished up the last section of the 2.5D Game Development course. I am now moving on to the Phase I: Framework today and got some of the first part done. I got stuck a bit at figuring out the moving the elevator up and down. Specifically figuring out how to move to platform given a Vector3. I realized that I was moving the platform using World Space coordinates rather then local coordinates. So instead of using transform.position, I used instead transform.localposition to adjust the position of the platform. Here is a quick clip of what I have:

Other then this, we went through two workshops that were conducted by Austin Mackrell. He is one of our leads that helped with our team project. He did a workshop on Animation Layering and how to make a simple Portal game. For Animation Layering, it was really neat that we were able to learn how to control different animations for different body parts. For example if we wanted to turn off specific animations for a certain body part, we can do that and also activate another animation that can replace it. This seems like a really powerful tool.

The Portal game was really interesting and also seems like a very simple implementation. The implementation that Austin showcased was that he used a simple box collider to detect if an object touches one of the portals. If that happens, it will set the transform position of that object to the exit portals position plus an offset. A very simple implementation. The one thing that I really liked though was how he implemented that effect of looking from one end of the portal to the other. He did this by attaching a camera on both portals and using a mesh to render the view of that camera.

This workshops and the course work has taught me a lot through out this program. I hope continue working on them and hopefully finishing 2.5D before the week ends.


Cristian Aspacio



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