Game Dev in Progress… Day 44

Cristian Aspacio
2 min readDec 22, 2020


Hello and todays Monday, the First Day in the Holiday week. I took some time over the weekend to relax and unwind after finishing up our game. I hope that some of you were able to check it out and enjoy it. Today was spent going back through the course work to figure out where I left off. I needed a quick refresher before continuing the course work I left on two and a half weeks ago. I’m currently on the last section of the 2.5D Game Development Course which has to do with developing the ledge grab system. Here is a short clip of what I have so far:

As you can see I have it almost done. The only thing I’m missing is figuring out a way to move the game object on top of the ledge and set the animation back to idle. I’m going have to test it out a bit to get it right so that way the positioning won’t look weird when the player gets up.

Other then working on the course work, Austin who is one of our team leads did quick workshop on creating cheat code system in the game. This is a wonderful way to play test a build where you can’t manipulate any of the backend. He introduced two ways of doing it which was entering the code through an input text field. The other way was pressing a combination of input keys on the keyboard in sequence. I was more interested in the latter. The way he did it was to store a sequence of keys using an array then checking if the right sequence was entered while each key was pressed. The problem with this is that every time a key is pressed you would need to check if it’s right sequence for every cheat code you have set up. This might become tedious when you have multiple codes. I have an idea to solve this by storing the key press instead then checking once you press enter. I might test this out when I have the time.

Today was a chill day for me. I took my time trying to get my mind set back into learning through course work. Thankfully, I was able to rest a bit during the weekend and I’m ready tackle the next set of course work for the rest of the week. We plan to have Austin do more of these workshops during the week as well which I will be looking forward to.


Cristian Aspacio



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