Game Dev in Progress… Day 42

Cristian Aspacio
2 min readDec 18, 2020


Photo by airfocus on Unsplash

Hello and welcome to day 42 of my journey to becoming a full fledged software engineer. We are one day away from presenting our finished game to the other interns. I’m very nervous because I suck at presenting but I’ll do my best and not let my team down. Today was spent preparing for that and as well as getting our game published on I was also tasked with creating a new baseline and new git set up. I’m planning on pushing my main into my remote repo and having the team make pull requests on that. I’m hoping this method will work but if it doesn’t, I’m thinking of creating a new repo maybe for the project. Other then that, I was also play testing the game and fixing my project to work.

My project has been pretty messy because some of the things don’t work and a lot of merge conflicts. I think this is due to the fact of my earlier debacle of pulling and resolving merge conflicts that screwed with everything. One of the main problems was that my main game scene were missing a couple prefabs that were added in on the last push. I quickly resolved this by replacing the objects that had prefabs and adding missing ones into the hierarchy. With this I now have a working project that can be safely pushed up into my remote repo.

Overall, this week has been really hectic and it not even over yet. I really wish that we’ll do well tomorrow and that everybody will learn something from our presentation. See you all tomorrow!


Cristian Aspacio



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