Game Dev in Progress… Day 41

Cristian Aspacio
2 min readDec 17, 2020


It is Day 41 and only two more days before finally completing our project. We have reached MVP and we also have a build currently up on one of our GitHub Pages. We are so close to finishing, all we have to do now is to work on the marketing aspect as well as getting a working build on During the day we were also play testing and fixing major bug issues. One of which had to do with my mid boss not dying. I thought I already resolved this issue but the changes might not have saved. I was a simple fix in that we needed to delete some lines of code that were messing with the explosions.

Another bug that we encountered was that the Big Slow Enemies didn’t destroy there parent containers. The design of the Big Slow Enemies was that we had a container for them to handle it’s rotation. The problem was that once the Big Slow Enemy inside that container gets destroyed, the container lingers and is still in the scene. This becomes a huge problem since even though we won’t see it in the game, if enough of them are around, it will take up memory and potential mess up the game. So the counter this, I already created a simple script that destroys the object that it’s attached to when all of it’s grand children are dead. We refactored this to work for children instead and attached to the containers.

All of today was play testing and fixing bugs above. All of us participated and just did a long peer coding session on Dylan’s project. At the end of it all, we managed to get a working build up and running. Now all we have to do is working on marketing and we should be set. Here is a quick demo playing the game from the beginning:

I’m happy on how far we’ve come as developer. Some of us in the team didn’t even have any prior experience in coding before this program. The fact that we were able to create something like this is proof that we have all grown in some way during this project. With that, I’m signing off for today. Have a wonderful day.


Cristian Aspacio



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