Game Dev in Progress… Day 40

Cristian Aspacio
2 min readDec 16, 2020


Photo by Sebastian Herrmann on Unsplash

Hello and its Day 40 of my journey into becoming a fully fledged software engineer. The goal for today is to make final some final touches on our game and create a finished build. I was working on some fixes on some bugs that we found out while play testing the other day. I also managed to add a camera shake when the player gets hit.

The bug fixes that I managed to fix was that my Mid Boss was not rotating properly when instantiated and that it won’t fire it’s weapon. I figured out that the problem had to do with missing audio references because of how we set up the audio manager. We had to load from the main menu in order to fix it. The second problem is that the front weapon was not firing. We quickly found out that the wrong bullet prefab was being instantiated. We fixed it by assigning the right one in the inspector.

The last finishing touches I did was create a simple camera shake. However the coding and script was very simple but having it work in tandem with everyone else’s code was another matter. When I tried to merge my code with our working baseline, it messed everything up. We figured out that we erased the wrong line of code when we were resolving the merge conflicts and it was giving us a weird error. We tried looking it up to see if we can figure out how to fix it but it quickly became apparent that it was out of our scope of knowledge. Since we have a deadline to meet, me and Ryan will peer code the changes I made into his working project and let him push it up instead.

All in all, it was a hectic day. I worked on trying to figure out a way to get our WebGL build into a GitHub Page but had not luck last night. We will continue our work today and hopefully my peers had better luck then me. Thank you for reading.


Cristian Aspacio



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