Game Dev in Progress… Day 34
Hello and it is the second week of developing our fully fleshed game. This Monday, I was able to get some more audio files and put it into our Assets folder as well as organize some of my Mid Boss scripts. The morning was spent most of the time talking and merging our code into Git so that way everybody has it. Then we assigned our second task, for me it was going to be working with Chris (another intern working on the same project) on the wave manager/spawner. We also had a workshop on Abstract classes and decided on using it to create our generic Enemy. This enemy will be use as a base for all the other enemy types. We are planning to create a total of four enemy types.
The abstract class we created in a coding collaboration we did two hours before we ended for the day. The abstract class consisted of basic functionality and behavior of our enemies. This included the health, movement, animations and how its gonna take damage. We had a hard time developing the damage calculation method because it relied heavily on the different weapon types we have developed. The hardest to figure out of all them was the laser beam. The weapon would fire a consistent laser beam that would damage the enemy over time as long as it’s inside the laser. We still have need to figure it out and will probably have to change some of the code later on. Other then that, we got all the functionality working and managed to push it up so everybody can start working on there enemies.
The last hour of the day was working on merging and have everyone with a working baseline. With this baseline, we can start working on the next set of features to implement. Everyone was working on getting organized, I was able to create my mid boss as a prefab so that way it can works on everyone else’s project. This is a better way of doing things because before we started doing this, we had reattach game objects/prefabs to the right fields on the inspector as well as reattach certain components on existing objects. We would had to spend time having everybody attaching these things into our objects in order to play test and have them working on each others projects.
Overall, not a lot of coding got done today but with a clean working baseline ready, I can start churning out the wave/spawn manager quickly tomorrow. Hopefully I can finish it by the end of the day tomorrow since our deadline is coming up real fast. Thanks for reading!
Cristian Aspacio