Game Dev in Progress… Day 33

Cristian Aspacio
2 min readDec 5, 2020


Photo by Marten Bjork on Unsplash

Aloha Friday!!! Today has been a chill day for me. I finished the feature I was working on and managed to push it up to our main Repo where we are all storing our Scripts. I was afraid I was going to break something but it seemed alright. Dylan, my teammate that is managing the repo, did not fair as well as me. When he tried to pull from the main repo, he forgot to push his changes first and that made it so my changes overwritten and I had to push again. Luckily it wasn’t that bad and we managed to get it right.

Other then that, I managed to browse through to find some cool sound effects for the fireball and lasers. I also browse a bit around the internet and managed to grab a couple of background music that we might be able to use. I attached an audio component on some of the assets to test them out and they seem alright. Just need to talk to Ryan whose also handling the audio, to see how were going to implement the sound system. Here’s some gameplay with audio:

I might adjust the audio a bit more to find a good volume so I don’t accidently bust people’s eardrums. The last thing I did today was to incorporate the changes in the main repo into my dev branch on my local repo. I worked out well and my dev branch was up to date. With this, I now have Dylan’s Final Boss added and working in my version of the game. Here is his Final Boss working on my computer:

As you can see, it moves but isn’t doing any of it’s attacks. The reason why is because I don’t have the assets that Dylan has in order to make them work, I only have to scripts for their behavior not the object themselves. I think that’s going to be one of the main difficulties in this project is sharing and getting the assets working for everyone in the team. Other then that, the final boss looks really well done. You can check it out a fully working one on Dylan’s Blog.

Overall, I’m proud of the progress we are making during the first week of the project. A lot of it was setting up and getting everybody up to speed with the development process. Next week, I’m going to pick up my pace and get my features done a bit quicker and up to the minimum viable product standards. Anyways, have a wonderful weekend!


Cristian Aspacio



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