Game Dev in Progress… Day 32

Cristian Aspacio
2 min readDec 4, 2020


Photo by AltumCode on Unsplash

Hello and it is Day 32 of my internship. I have grown a lot as a game developer this past 32 days and there are still a lot more to learn. Today, I finished most of the mid boss and I just need to polish it up a bit more and hopefully finish tomorrow morning. In the meantime, I can show you what I finished. Here is a short clip of the finished Mid Boss Phase 1:

Nothing major changed from the last time I showed this off yesterday. I did however cleaned some of that code and made more modular so that way its easier to debug. I also would like to put some comments up later on the help people read my code. Here is a clip of the Phase 2 when the boss hits 50% HP:

As you can see the boss rotates and start firing in a fan like pattern in front of it. I might modify this later to have slower projectiles or lesser projectiles since it seems kind of hard to dodge. You will also notice I added a smoke like effect on the boss when I modified the health value in the inspector. So if we ever get the player projectile working, it should damage the boss and once it reaches 50% health, the boss should rotate and starting smoking. The last thing I did was destroy the boss once it reaches 0 HP and played the explosion animation. I had a hard time with both this and the smoke effect but luckily got some help from Al and an online forum. The problem was that I was instantiating the explosion rather then playing the animation from the script. This created a lingering game object that its still on the scene but cant be seen. Now if it was just one explosion then it would be alright but if I did multiple explosion… now it becomes a problem. I found a sample script online where once the explosion particle system finished, it would destroy itself. For the smoke, I had problem trying to move it in a horizontal direction. Al taught me how to remedy this by changing its Velocity Overtime in the inspector.

Overall, I think I just need a bit more time to polish it and then it should be ready by tomorrow. Now I plan to merge it with the rest of the code and that’s going to be another challenge. Anyway, Im signing off and I hope you have a wonderful day!


Cristian Aspacio



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