Game Dev in Progress… Day 30
Hello and welcome to Day 30 of my journey into becoming a fully fledged game developer/software engineer. Today is Day 1 and the start of the our team project. We have about 15 days to complete a full fleshed out 2.5D game. The game is going to be a Space Themed 2D Shooter where you can control a space ship and defeat at total of 12 waves of the enemies. There will also be a mid boss as well a final boss that needs to be defeated in order to win the game. For today, we had to pick what type of aesthetics we wanted to go for and as well as some housekeeping to get started on the game. We had a ton of meetings today where we talked about a lot of different aspects as well as how were going to develop the game itself. This includes figuring out the game rules and mechanics as well as its design. We were kindly given starting assets developed by Al Heck and will be mainly using those to develop our game.
Most of the day was spent on meetings. Our first meeting was figuring out what type of game we wanted and were given 4 different options. These options were relatively the same except they are different aesthetics. A and C are military shooters where you control a jet fighter and a helicopter respectively with different enemies as well. B and D are taking place in space as a space shooter game that is similar to the 2D shooter except its a horizontal view rather then top down.
After we did that, we had another meeting where Al talked about the different features we had to implement and explained the game design. This design was a list of features in order to reach the minimum features that is required for it to be considered a game.
The next meeting involved us interns talking about the different features and how were going to divide up the work. My role is going to be working on the wave system, the mid level boss fight and the overall audio of the game. We picked about 4 of the features that were priority features that needed to be implemented first before any of the other features. I’m going to be working on the mid-level boss before working on the audio and wave system.
The last thing we did was have a meeting to setup our Github and local Git repos. These repos will be how we are going to version control our game so that way we can revert back any mistakes and also collaborate by pushing and pulling code. I volunteered as maintain the backup repo for our main working repo. This way if we somehow lose our main repo or it becomes unusable, we will have mine to work with. We are still currently working on getting this setup but hopefully by tomorrow have everything working.
Overall, I’m super excited in developing a real video game that we can actually publish online. I’m also glad for the opportunity to work on a team in a professional environment. This is going to be a good learning experience since I’ve never worked on coding with a team professionally. I hope to make this an good and exciting game!
Cristian Aspacio