Game Dev in Progress… Day 3
It is Day 3 of my journey to become a game developer. Today started out really bad. The first thing I did today was to setup and get Unity up and running. In the beginning, I thought it would be easier then my first install of Unity way back in 2017–2018. Back then I had to install Unity for a project I was doing manually. But now they have a handy version control program that manages all the different versions of Unity which is called UnityHub. You would think it’d be a lot faster and easier but boy I was wrong….
UnityHub installed pretty quickly, I think it it took less then 5 mins. The installers UI was great and a very easy to navigate. It has a tab where you can manage and look at all your different Unity Projects. It also does all the version control for you, so you don’t have to switch from different Unity versions manually. This is a pretty handy feature as it makes handling projects that different versions all in a single program. There is also a section for tutorials and different educational material on how to do stuff in Unity. They also have a Community section which is in BETA. All these sections of the program worked flawlessly except the last which managed on the different Unity version installations.
The installations page has a clean and simple to understand UI. It has two buttons to the top right with the names Locate and Add. Locate is used to find a Unity Editor that you already downloaded and/or installed. Add gives you list of different Unity Versions that you can choose from and install. I had a olderversion of Unity installed and UnityHub detected it (woah that’s cool!!). So I made the mistake of deleting it….
I don’t know if this was the catalyst in UnityHub starting to mess up or not, but when I started to install the latest recommended version of Unity, the download stopped at around the 99% bar…. I waited for a good 5 minutes before giving up and restarting the download…again stuck at 90–99%. Getting frustrated, I closed UnityHub, uninstalled it, restarted my computer, and installed Hub again. This took more of time because of my 5 year old computer and its hard drive (please SSDs become cheaper!!!). I started the download of Unity again,,, and viola it worked!!! But now I have another problem, the installation…
The UnityHub installation is just bar that goes up as your nearing completion. This is pretty good way to indicate how far your installation is going. What’s not good is as soon as my installation finished, the bar started going back a forth. I figured out later on that it was indicating the extra packages that I wanted to install along with Unity (such as the capability to develop for Android). However, past me was freaking out because I wanted to start my day and get too work. After 20 mins or so, I reached out to my team lead and they told me to check back on them after 40 minutes. In good fortune, the install didn’t mess up and I was able to start working in under 40 minutes. (yay!).
Anyway, sorry for the long rant. But hopefully this might be a lesson to some of you to test and pre-download some of the software that your using before any major projects! Not long after my Unity debacle, my Visual Studios wouldn’t open up my C# Scripts from Unity. Luckily there was a solution online that I could quickly follow and got it working again. Again, sorry for the long rant and as always stay frosty people.