Game Dev in Progress… Day 21
Hello and happy Wednesday! Were half-way through the week and I am half-way through the Cinematography course. I just finished the Intro cutscene this afternoon and also got through half of the Player movement section. I am making good progress but I am disappointed that I am falling behind my goals for the week. It’s looking like I might not be able to finish this by Friday and might need to use some of my free time on the weekends to working on it. However, I am determined to getting as much done by the end of this week. So without further ado, I’ll go over what I did for the Intro Cutscene and Player movement sections.
The Intro Cutscene took much longer then I expected it too. I had hoped to finish before reaching 12 o’clock today but had to take an extra hour to polish the remaining parts. I had some difficulty where there was an audio bug where the audio wouldn’t play when I tried to edit the Timeline. A simple fix for this was to restart the Unity Editor but that was wasting some of my time every time I had to do that. Another problem I cam across is that, I was very fickle with how I wanted the scene to look. I took to much time editing the camera angles and redoing some of them. I should have just let it be because some of them were already fine. That was clearly my fault. Here is the finished scene:
I’m very proud in what I could accomplish, I never thought I would be able to create a mini cinematic movie! Again, Unity has surprised me with how versatile this tool is. Of course, I wouldn’t have gotten this far if it wasn’t for GameDevHQ and all the great courses/support it gave me on this endeavor.
The next section is developing how to player was going to move in the environment. After all the cinematics we had to make, I almost forgot this was a game… Here is a short clip of what I was able to accomplish for the day:
The clip shows the player moving through the level. What you can’t see is that if you look at my mouse, I’m left clicking to move the player to where my mouse is. This is done simply by using a combination of Raycasting, NavMesh, and a bit of coding to create this function. The camera’s are handle by having a invisible box that works as a trigger. Using a Box Collider and Rigidbody component on these object and the player, we can use a method called OnTriggerEnter to switch camera positions. Lastly, to rotate the camera to face the player, we used to transform.LookAt() function to face the target object passed into the function. With these methods and tools, I was able to accomplish what I did above.
In summary, I learned a lot of new tools and as well honed my skills. This skills I hope can be translated to other jobs/career opportunities other then game development such as film making and 3D movie production. I also wish that we do more cinematic cutscene production because it was a lot of fun to do. As a person who doesn’t have any artistic talent, creating the cutscenes really engaged me to the point that it took more time then I needed to create a better scene. Maybe I need to work more on my time management as well… On that note, before I waste more of your time, thanks again for reading!
Cristian Aspacio